Physical Torture


These are some audio files regarding beating and physical torture by the police. Although only a small part of each is relevant, I include them in full-length to show their authenticity.


Unrelated With Me

This first file has nothing to do with my case. It is only to show how physical torture was quite commonplace at a given place and time. It was recorded on August 15th, 2012, at Thirunagar Police Station, where I had gone to sign.

Some men had been detained and were being beaten with wooden rods. The actual beating takes place at minutes 5:50-6:35, and 15:30-17:30. In the second stretch, I am talking with a very young female who was studying to become a police officer, and it can be noticed how she is completely unmoved by the scene.

12-08-15 youtube               12-08-15


To My Person

In all following files (year-month-day) something is mentioned regarding how I was “beaten” (that is, physically tortured) and who did it.


1) On October 7th, 2012 I finally get to know the name and charge of the police chief who (along with his immediate superior) led the six-hours physical torture I was subject to on the night from 16th to 17th April, 2012.

In the first file, his name is mentioned at minutes 24:50, 28:50-31:30, and from 33:30 onward.

12-10-07 (1) youtube                12-10-07 (1)


12-10-07 (2) youtube               12-10-07 (2)


2) Here it is mentioned explicitly some of the physical torture I was subject to during six hours on the night from 16th to 17th April, 2012. The fact that my fingers were forcibly bent is stated. I know that because the police officer talking showed it with his hands (he was speaking in Tamil).

The main information is mentioned at minutes 10:55-13:10.

12-10-17 youtube               12-10-17


3) Here some constables state that I was “beaten”. They mention the charge of the person who led the physical torture and describe him physically.

This is said at minutes 16:25-18:30.

12-12-22_youtube               12-12-22


4) Several police officers mention the fact that I was “beaten”, and the charge of the police chief who (along with his immediate superior) led the six-hours physical torture I was subject to on the night from 16th to 17th April, 2012.

In the first file, this is said at minutes 2:10-3:20.

12-12-26 (1) youtube               12-12-26 (1)


In the second file, the relevant information is mentioned at minutes 0:00-1:10 and 2:55-4:35.

12-12-26 (2) youtube               12-12-26 (2)